About Us

Hi and welcome to our about us page. firstly, I like to in interduce myself. I am George and I am Glasgow Melts. Before Glasgow Melts was a name it stated off as just a hobby for myself making my own scented things around my home. And many times, people would ask me oh what is that? or say it smelling amazing in here what are you using. When I told people this is when they ask if I was selling these products. At this time, I was not as it was only for my own use. Thus, is when Glasgow Melts come to mind. After very much research, testing of different wax, different oils, amount of oil, much testing over and over Glasgow Melts was born. We started off with just our amazing wax melt which then grow in to carpet freshener then room spray and hoping for much more to come soon. The wax we use for our wax melt is Keara blend. The blend we use has been specifically developed for production of candles and wax tarts (wax melts). It is vegan friendly, and no testing has been done on any animals by the company or done for on their behalf. We are just a small company based in Glasgow but who knows what is to come.